Fluid design. Scroll, Tap, Listen, Loop.
Make your own rhythm patterns and worksheets. Create custom patterns and add them to a set for tapping.
Import custom patterns as draft patterns or completed pattern sets. Import and export patterns in the rhythm lab format (rlpf) or JSON format (text editable).
Use the iPad’s touch screen or MIDI device.
Load your own Soundfont!
Rhythm Lab covers all the bases. Tap and create all kinds of interesting rhythms: mixed time signatures with multiple (up to three) numerators, nested tuplets, incomplete pickup measures, and more.
Rhythm Lab provides a range of file options fopr importing and exporting, including standard JSON data formats for easy file sharing and editing, and MusicMXML import.
Rhythm Lab is designed for Music Teachers and Students
Add as many student users as you wish. Save and import user groups, track statistics and progress reports. Organize your studio’s rhythmic studies!

Worksheet Creator
Rhythm Lab provides a built-in worksheet creator. Take advantage of the ability to create special patterns for the worksheets, including hiding time signatures and barlines, hiding partial measures for rhythm completion exercises, markup capabilities, and more. Save and export worksheets in PDF format. Create beautiful rhythm worksheets without requiring a work-around to remove staff lines.

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